The hero section is what makes or breaks a website or an intranet! Make your employees feel welcome with a personalized greeting with their name using our custom SharePoint intranet webpart.
Throw in a catchy background image that represents the branding of the company along with a CTA button to make complete use of the hero section without overcrowding it!

welcome message
Welcome message
The hero section is what makes or breaks a website or an intranet! Make your employees feel welcome with a personalized greeting with their name using our custom SharePoint intranet webpart.
Throw in a catchy background image that represents the branding of the company along with a CTA button to make complete use of the hero section without overcrowding it!

world clock
World clock
Meeting with clients from different countries or waiting to connect with your colleagues from other ends of the world??
We got you covered with our user-friendly custom SharePoint webpart that can be customized to view 4 or more time zones as per your need!

quick links
quick links
Why go for menus, sub-menus, and mega menus when you can get to the page directly with a single click?!!
Look at our crisp and fresh custom SharePoint intranet webpart that saves you plenty of time and gives direct access to the information you need without beating around the bush!

flash ticker
Flash ticker
Unlike the breaking news section on the television that moves way too fast to even read the full sentence,
our custom SharePoint intranet flash ticker webpart can be customized to move slow or fast as per your need!
What a fun way to include a birthday wish or weather or even the good old breaking news!!

quick links
Quick Links
Why go for menus, sub-menus, and mega menus when you can get to the page directly with a single click?!!
Look at our crisp and fresh custom SharePoint intranet webpart that saves you plenty of time and gives direct access to the information you need without beating around the bush!

covid updates
Covid Updates
How do you keep up with the ever changing variations of corona virus and its corresponding vaccine doses or sudden state wide lockdowns and national / international travel alerts? Here is our custom SharePoint intranet webpart designed to help you keep your employees safe and sound.

help desk
Help Desk
Gone are the days when you had to follow a seven step procedure and a whole another app to raise a helpdesk ticket.
All you need now is this custom SharePoint intranet webpart to either call or raise a ticket and someone from you helpdesk team will get in touch with you…In an ideal world!

to-do list
To-Do list
Who doesn’t love the Dopamine release when you check something off of your to-do list? Here is a personal SharePoint intranet webpart that helps your employees to add and track their own tasks.

leave balance
Leave balance
Who needs a separate leave module when you can have a clean & crisp, minimal yet fully functional custom SharePoint intranet webpart where you can check the leave balance as well as apply for leave !!

referral link
refer friends & family
Want to make your friends and family work with you? All you need is a one-click wonder custom SharePoint intranet webpart to upload the link(s) to their resume / LinkedIn page. So, what are you waiting for?

thought for the day
Thought for the day
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, a motivational quote a day may keep the procrastination away!!
Publish awesome quotes to keep your employees motivated and encourage them to contribute to it with this custom SharePoint intranet webpart.